What to do when you lose clients
We lost five clients in April, and I didn’t lose my shit!
Why? Because I knew we would replace those open spots, so there was no point in worrying!
Every business ebbs and flows. Did it feel shitty at the time? Of course.
But losing those clients opened the door for more aligned, dream clients to take their place. In fact, we brought on 7 new ones in June!!!
There will be slow seasons in business, and that’s okay!
The next time you lose a client, try these three things so you can navigate and move your biz forward.
Don’t panic
Whether it's because you fired the client or weren't a good fit—losing clients can happen to anyone.
Evaluate and Learn
Take the opportunity to evaluate why the clients left.
Was it a misunderstanding, a service mismatch, an internal process/system you need to update, or something else?
Use this feedback to learn and improve your client relationships and service offerings and strengthen your initial vetting process.
focus on acquisition
Use the freed-up time and resources to focus on acquiring new clients.
Show up more on social media, network with potential leads, and showcase your strengths to attract clients who align better with your values and offerings.
If you need mindset and strategy support to grow your business and get through the bumpy spots, join me for one-on-one coaching! We’ll set you up to thrive with a roster of perfect-fit clients and $10k+ months!