Three Ways to Avoid Working With Red flag Clients

If you constantly fire clients, it might be time to review your processes.

If sending your clients the “We need to talk” email is your norm, you’re likely not doing enough due diligence during the vetting phase.

You might be tempted to say yes to every high-paying inquiry. I’ve been there. Trust me, I get it!

But doing so will cost you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Wasting your resources on clients who aren’t a good fit means you have to turn down clients who will actually pay on time, respect your boundaries, and appreciate your work.

Here are three things you should consider before you welcome new clients into your world.

Send an In-depth questionnaire.

Send potential clients an in-depth questionnaire as part of the consultation process. This will help you understand their needs before you meet with them.

If a potential client isn't willing to spend 10 minutes filling out a questionnaire, they probably shouldn't be your client!⁠

Discuss the budget.

I know talking about money can feel awkward, especially with a potential client that you’re just connecting with, but it’s so important!

If you're not in the client's budget, everyone is wasting their time. ⁠

follow an agenda.

A consultation call shouldn't be a brain dump session for the potential client.

We should go into these calls with an agenda and a clear goal.

The purpose of these calls is to be efficient and utilize the time to make a connection with our potential clients and understand their business as best we can.

⁠The information you collect will help you decide if you are aligned and if their needs are within your scope.

The next time you have a conversation with a potential client, do yourself a favour and vet them first. Don’t just jump the gun to work together! Having upfront systems in place will make it easier for you to turn them down so you can welcome someone better.

If you need support with creating systems in your business, click here to learn how we can help!


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