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Say Goodbye to Grind Culture
Grind culture has become quite the norm over the past years in the entrepreneurial world.
It tells us to ignore our well-being in order to be more productive. The premise is to go, go, go until you can’t go anymore.
But I'm here to tell you… you are not a damn machine!
What to Do When You’ve Lost Your Way Towards Your Goals
Setting big goals is exciting, new, and gives you that adrenaline rush that we as entrepreneurs can’t seem to get enough of.
However, that’s not to say that working towards these lofty goals isn’t tough, because damn it sure can be.
Starting a new habit, adopting a new practice, or learning a new system in your business can be difficult. Working towards your epic goals can be downright overwhelming.
Don’t Just Start…Continue.
There’s no doubt that all great impacts start with small steps.
All world-changers started somewhere.
All successful businesses began with a single idea.
All self-made entrepreneurs took daily action to get to where they are today.
The first step in making these great impacts is famously known as “just start.” While that’s a critical step, it’s not enough to just get started.
What It Really Takes To Become a Booked-Out Virtual Assistant
Have you ever had one of those days where you sit down with your good friend Google and ask, “how do I become a booked-out virtual assistant?”
You know those moments.
The ones where you’re desperate for change, for something new. Those moments where you want to throw in the corporate towel and start living life on your own terms.
Becoming a virtual assistant is truly one of the best ways to scale your income, work your own flexible hours, and make a major impact.
You’re Allowed to be Human
I woke up after a sleepless night, holding what felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders. The struggles and tribulations of my clients. The stressors of running a business and managing a team. The expectation to know it all and always get it right the first time.
Stop Working Yourself into a State of Burnout
I think it’s safe to say that a lot of us have fallen into this concept that our worth is determined by our productivity. Or something like…The harder you work, the more money you will make. But being valuable or becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to work 12+ hour days for months on end.
Mistakes Make You Stronger
Mistakes. You can’t learn without them, can you? I am not only talking about the occasional tech glitch or when there’s a miscommunication with someone on your team. I’m also talking about when YOU make mistakes. When YOU drop the ball. And those kinds of mistakes just hit different, don’t they?
Stop Filtering Your Story
Building a business is pretty terrifying on its own. But when you add having to actually show up for it, it makes it seem pretty impossible, doesn’t it? So what do you do? You’ve checked off the boxes. You’ve created a website, signed up for your email marketing platform, made a string of posts that don’t perform, and you are left questioning what you’re doing wrong.
How To Set Boundaries Like A Boss
I started my business almost 5 years ago and kissed the corporate life goodbye in exchange for the freedom to create my own life, filled with optimism and a passion to get shit done. And just starting out in a business like mine, It’s scary, right?
Stay Dedicated to the Dream
I am going to be real honest for a moment. Honest about business, entrepreneurship and the whole journey. There are days when I want to throw in the towel and re-think my entire business plan. I also sort of want to throw my computer over the sea wall too.
There's Success in Simplicity
Often as entrepreneurs, we want to do all the things. We want to pump out all of the programs and courses that our hearts could think of. We want to build incredible, value-driven communities that help everyone. We have to do it all! That’s the way to build success…right?
What Happens When The Social Media Giants Go Down?
Hello? Facebook? Instagram? WhatsApp? Are you there? It was 11:12 am yesterday morning when my team and I were humming along checking off our to-dos, when all of a sudden, we couldn’t access a client’s Instagram….or their Facebook…or even reach out to them on WhatsApp.
The Hustle Doesn't Have To Hurt
“Do you have what it takes?” I know you’ve heard this question before and while it can be a motivating line, it’s actually not clear what IT is? I think we have to start by defining IT for ourselves. From side hustles to start-ups, entrepreneurs have this relentless pull to work harder, work MORE, and yep, work even longer than you worked yesterday if that’s actually possible.
Next Level You Is Waiting
I've spent the last week sending out countless rate increase letters to my clients. It was just time. I spend so much of my time and energy growing my business's systems, the level of support I offer and refining our processes as I go along. So it's safe to say that AKVA has only gotten better over time.
Nourish So You Can Flourish
Sometimes you have to take a step back to be able to take a successful step forward. I know you are in the thick of it right now and taking a step back seems like it will create even more work for you and you will fall more behind than you already are.
The Truth About Entrepreneurship
A couple of Fridays ago, I wanted to give it all up. The weight of being responsible for my team, my clients’ businesses, and AK/VA’s growth came crashing over me like a tidal wave. So I broke down.
How To Stop With The Excuses
Excuses halt our progress. They provide a safe and comfortable bubble where we don’t have to face our fears or take a risk. But what are we really achieving if we don’t pop the bubble and chase our wildest dreams? Here are my top tips for breaking your excuses and embracing your success!
The Pesky Voice Of External Influence
We live in a world fuelled by influence (even when it is good-natured) and comparison syndrome, and it can be easy to make decisions based on other people’s journeys. But it’s not always the best way for us.