There's Success in Simplicity

Often as entrepreneurs, we want to do all the things. We want to pump out all of the programs and courses that our hearts can dream up. We want to build incredible, value-driven communities that help everyone.

We have to do it all! That’s the way to build success…right?


What I see happen all the time, and what I've been guilty of when I first started my business, is when you try to do everything, you actually don’t do anything well. Everything gets started but ends up confusing your audience, and then they aren’t really sure what you do.

You spread yourself too thin.

And I can promise you one thing, your business will suffer because of it.

One of the keys to success is simplicity.

You don’t need to offer a hundred courses, each complete with a hundred components.

When you saturate your business with programs after programs, you will make yourself, and your audience feel really, really fatigued.

They’ll actually get sick of you launching a new program every week and they’ll stop listening because they know another program or offer is coming, so they don’t have to rush into purchasing your latest one.

And don’t even get me started with how long one launch takes to roll out well.

Landing pages. Freebies. Email Campaigns. Social posts. General marketing. Oh my.

Bottom line: You are going to work a whole lot and not get paid for any of it when you launch hundreds of programs.

Here’s my advice to you and it’s what I tell my clients all the time:

Pick one program or one offer.

It should be something you do really well. Something you know your audience wants and needs.

It’s the one that creates the most impact. The one that shares your mission and your values.

Take that one program and make it amazing. Make it the program that everyone needs to buy.

Once you’ve made that program a necessity for your audience, then you can diversify and open another program. But you’ll be able to let your audience inform what that next product or offer is because you will get so much incredible feedback from your first program.

Because that’s how you build trust and that’s how you build a brand with a foundation that will set you up for success.

Be the person who’s known for providing amazing value and programs that impact people.

“Find your one thing and do that one thing better than everyone else”

– Jason Goldberg


Stay Dedicated to the Dream


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