Stay Dedicated to the Dream

I am going to be real honest for a moment.

Honest about business, entrepreneurship and the whole journey.

There are days when I want to throw in the towel and re-think my entire business plan.

I also sort of want to throw my computer over the sea wall too.

I’m not saying that being an entrepreneur and having a successful business isn’t incredible.

It totally is. It is one of the most empowering, freeing, and exciting adventures you could have and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

But there is also the occasional side of WTF that comes along with it.

It’s the other side to entrepreneurship. The side that most people can’t see. It’s also the side that makes you rethink all of your choices that got you on the thick side of it.

When it gets hard, it’s really hard.

While we are talking about the “dark side” of business, it’s safe to say we are going to have those hard days, right?

When you feel like giving up, curling up in a ball, and crying into your pillow.

Those days when you are too busy to eat and are ready to just call it in. FOR GOOD.

But honestly, we’ve got to just take those days in stride.

All of the losses, fears, and countless sleepless nights wondering if you’ll make enough money this month to cover your bills.

Those days are what make the other ones so much better.

But how do we move past those days and decide to keep going?

There’s no doubt those days make it hard to stay motivated.

You try not to compare yourself to others but sometimes that overwhelm starts to creep in. The thing is, no matter what it might look like on your Instagram or Facebook, every single entrepreneur has those days. Even the best of the best face hurdles, setbacks and mountains that they have to overcome. The more you have to do it, the better you’ll get at it.

Here’s five tips that will help you build up that resiliency muscle:

  1. Remember Your “WHY”
    This is your reason for the whole entrepreneurial leap you’ve taken. Remind yourself every single day why you’re doing what you’re doing and let it keep you focused.

  2. Stay Dedicated to the Dream
    Write those dreams and goals down on real paper and keep that next to your computer. Especially on the hard days. Your dedication and determination will pay off, but only if you keep working towards it.

  3. Find Your People
    I talk a lot about having some incredibly supportive people around you. Those people who will help you to pick yourself up when it all seems a bit too hard. Reach out to them and lean on them - it’s what they are there for!

  4. Celebrate Your Wins, Big AND Small
    Make sure you take the time every single day to celebrate ANY kind of win. You are amazing and it’s time you remember that!

  5. Ask For Support
    Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Despite what it might feel like, there is absolutely wrong with asking for support where you need it most.

There is always something to smile about, maybe it isn’t so easy when you are having a hard day in business, but try to focus on one positive thing a day that happened. It doesn’t have to be business-related. Maybe it’s a smile from a stranger, maybe it’s having that cup of coffee HOT and not having to microwave it. Whatever it is, allow yourself to enjoy the moment and truly savour it.

Focus on the positives.

Trust the process, face those hard days head-on, and let your obstacles be lessons.

Every day won’t be easy, but I promise you it will be so worth it.


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