How To Stop With The Excuses

Excuses halt our progress. They provide a safe and comfortable bubble where we don’t have to face our fears or take a risk. But what are we really achieving if we don’t pop the bubble and chase our wildest dreams?

Here are my top tips for breaking your excuses and embracing your success!

Change Your Language

How we talk to ourselves has a huge impact on our mindset and by saying things like, “I can’t”, “I’m not capable”, “I don’t have enough time”, ‘I don’t have the money”, or “I’m not ready”, you’re subconsciously sabotaging yourself.

You ARE ready, you ARE capable, you ARE strong enough, and you do have the TIME!

When you hear yourself starting to slip into negative language, stop, challenge what you’re saying and consciously make the shift to

Be Stronger Than Your Strongest Excuse

Feel the fear, and do it anyway. The decisions that are the scariest are the ones that often lead to the most rewarding results. Fear is designed to help you grow and learn and realize your strength and power. I know big decisions are knee-shaking scary, and I know that that fear can halt our progress and stop us from going after we truly desire. Guess what?! You ARE strong enough to face your fears and overcome them so you can build the life you have always dreamt of! Embrace the fear, feel the fear, and let the fear inspire and motivate you!

Read Between The Lines

Your excuses are much more than just the words you tell yourself. They are rooted in a deeper meaning. The next time you feel an excuse creeping up, STOP and ask yourself what the meaning behind the excuse is, why it might be coming up, how to address it and how to shift your perspective to eliminate the excuse and take action!


Focus on your vision.
Focus on your values.
Focus on your desired outcome.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Stop feeding energy into your excuses and start funneling it into achieving your goals and dreams because you ARE strong enough to overcome even your most compelling excuse.


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