Mistakes Make You Stronger


You can’t learn without them, can you?

I am not only talking about the occasional tech glitch or when there’s a miscommunication with someone on your team.

I’m also talking about when YOU make mistakes.

When YOU drop the ball. And those kinds of mistakes just hit different, don’t they?

And the goal as business owners is to limit those mistakes because they can be very impactful to those you serve.

They can also affect your integrity, your customer experience, and take a big toll on your confidence.

Of course, you know this, right? I mean it’s why you do your very best to eliminate them and create processes and procedures that will help you and your business continue to be better.

And every time you hear about a mistake, your stomach sinks. If you’re anything like me, when the mistake is made, you probably shut right down, hide under the covers with a box of tissues, and kick yourself even harder.

But here is what you have to know about making mistakes.

They are an opportunity for you to learn.

An opportunity for you to get uncomfortable, for you to reflect, to grow, and to be better.

And even an opportunity for you to practice changing your mindset.

Mistakes are opportunities.

Your entrepreneurial journey will include fuck ups because you are human!

And if you think you are going to get through that journey with everything going perfectly…

Wake up call: It won’t.

And we wouldn’t want it to anyways, would be?

Perfection does not allow for pivoting, growth, or scaling. You will have days when you feel frozen because the world is crashing in around you and everything that could happen…DID.

It’s so important to remember to embrace those days.

They are MORE important than the days where you win and triumph and overcome your obstacles like the badass boss babes that you are.

Celebrate those days with champagne.

When you take the time to reflect on how and why the mistakes happen, you can create a plan as to how you can do better next time.

And once you’ve made that plan go out and buy a bottle of good champagne.

I mean really good champagne.


Because there is ALWAYS something to celebrate.

Because your mistakes make you stronger.

Because looking forward is so much more important than looking back.

This is your reminder that you are strong enough to handle ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that comes your way. That your “mistakes” are actually opportunities that come with a side of negative self-talk.

AND that if you remain committed to your vision and your goals, you can continue to grow and be better each and every time the ball is dropped.

That is one of the differences between those who succeed and those who give up.

And you…you are meant to succeed.


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