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Unpluggings Leads To Upleveling
Last month, my coach said something to me that kinda shocked me (but I also needed to hear). Instead of ignoring it, I leaned into it. Like, really leaned. Here’s what happened.
Ground Yourself In Standing Your Ground
As female entrepreneurs, we can find it hard to stand up for ourselves and it usually comes from that narrative that’s ingrained into us that we should make everyone else as comfortable as possible before we look after our own needs. But if we apply that belief to our business, we will burn ourselves into the ground. Fast.
The Chaos Behind The Curtain
We all know the struggles make us stronger. We all know that the obstacles and challenges are actually moments for improvement opportunities to shine. But somedays I just need to sit in the sh*t, you know?
Finding The (Not-So) Elusive Groove
We wall want to find the groove: that sweet spot in your business where it’s operating efficiently and effectively without you needing to be involved in every single detail or task, leaving you the space and time to go after what you truly desire. But sometimes it can feel elusive.
Looking After Your Entrepreneurial Mind
With everything we’ve been through in the past year, there’s never been a more important time to ensure you’re looking after your mental health. Here are my top tips for maintaining a healthy mind and healthy body so you can perform at your best for your clients and team!
What I've Learned From 3 Years Of Full-Time Entrepreneurship
Last week, I celebrated my three-year “leaving my full-time job to be a full-time entrepreneur”-a-versary! Here are my top lessons I’ve learned since leaving the comfort of my corporate job and jumping into full-time entrepreneurship with both feet!
Why Support Equals Sanity
Not every single entrepreneur needs a team. If you can do it all yourself while keeping your boundaries, your self-care and your sanity in place, then absolutely you should do that. But the point is, you don’t have to.
Knowing (And Owning) Your Worth
Last month one of my favourite clients asked if I’d be open to stepping into a COO leadership role in her company. After receiving the request, you might think my first thought would be along the lines of, “I have my own business to be the COO of”, or “I don’t have time for that”, or “What an honour!”. You’d be wrong.
The Power Of Visibility
Becoming visible is scary, isn’t it? We live in a world driven by “perfectionism”. Filter the story, change the angle of the photo, be careful sharing your opinion, choose your words wisely, follow common trends. Well, here’s what I have to say to that…
Drowning Out The Social Media Noise
The noise is deafening on social media, isn’t it? Every person has an opinion on when, where and what you should be posting. If you’re wondering how to create a social media schedule that works for you, here’s my golden rule that I tell all my clients…
Top Five Lessons I've Learned Since Starting My Biz!
One thing I often get asked by new VA’s or entrepreneurs is if there is anything I wish I’d known when I started my biz. It’s a hard question because every mistake or misstep I’ve had in the last four years has helped me get to where I am and I wouldn’t change my journey for all the champagne in the world (and if you know me, you know that’s a big statement!). But at the core of it, I was embarking on a path that wasn’t laid out or certain and I was learning on the go. Here are my top five tips for entrepreneurs at the beginning of their journey…
An Open Letter For Entrepreneurs Struggling To Let Go
You’ve heard me say before- as entrepreneurs, our businesses are our babies and when the time comes, it can be harder to let go than we might have imagined. Here are some reminders for entrepreneurs who may have reached that point and are struggling to take the step!
Hitting The Pause Button
As entrepreneurs, we often find it hard to turn off. We caught up in the go go go of running a business. What’s the next task? What’s on tomorrow’s to do list? Did I email everyone I needed to? But let me ask you a question: when was the last time you spent a day just having fun?
Some Days I Want To Throw My Laptop Out The Window
It’s true. Let’s be real, as an entrepreneur, you’re going to have tough days. Those days where you feel like giving up and just want to curl up in a ball and cry. You know the ones- we’ve all been there. Here’s my top five tips for getting through those moments and come out stronger the other side!
Lacing Up Is The Hardest Part
The hardest part of any entrepreneurial journey is making the decision to take that leap. We can make all the plans and have all the incredible ideas but how do we actually tie up our laces and do the thing?
Facing and Embracing Change
If the last twelve months has taught us anything, it’s that we are all capable of shifting and pivoting when we need to and as entrepreneurs, being able to embrace change, whether it be in your business or your personal life, is one of the most important parts our journey. Here’s my top five tips to facing and embracing change!
Keys To Fueling Your Excitement
Our entrepreneurial journeys inevitably have some ups and downs. Like I’ve said before, the highs are high and the lows are very low and it can be hard to hold that vision. To keep our mindset strong and our focus where it should be, it’s important that we take the time each day, each month, each year to keep ourselves excited about our work and ensure we’re taking consistent action towards our goals. Here’s my top four tips to fueling your excitement as we move through the year!
Top Five Ways To Create Balance
As entrepreneurs, our business often takes up the majority of our time. It’s so easy to get caught up with our neverending list of to dos. But finding balance is absolutely key to building the successful business you dream of! Here's my top five ways you can introduce some balance in your life!