Lacing Up Is The Hardest Part

One thing I get asked all the time is, “What was the hardest part of starting your Virtual Assistant business?"

My answer?

Taking the first step.

Of course, it was exhilarating and something I’d been thinking about for years.

But it was downright terrifying.

I always felt I wanted more out of my career and after a glass (or bottle) of wine with a girlfriend, I decided to start a VA company. Yep, just like that.

You see that’s the thing about your life.

You control what happens next. You control what gifts you choose to accept and what gifts you say “No thanks!” to.

Was I scared it was going to crash and burn? Of course, I was.

Was I afraid that I might be making a huge mistake by leaving a secure 9-5 job and pursuing full-time entrepreneurship? Without a shadow of a doubt.

But I just kept telling myself, "Ash, you've got this", "Ash, you are going to crush being a VA", "Ash, you have everything you need within you to be successful!".

It was about reframing my thinking to a success mindset. I faced my fears and went for it.

Of course, it was difficult. Of course, I had moments when I looked back at my previous job and thought, “Maybe I should’ve stayed there.”

But that’s the thing about taking the leap. It requires letting go of what was. Know that the chapters that have passed are gone and it’s time for you to write a beautiful new story. A story that has the ending you’ve dreamt of, a story that you want to read over and over again.

As C.S Lewis said, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”.

If you’re looking to start your own business or are ready to finally pursue your passion, here’s my advice to you.

Take that first step.

From there take another step, and another, until you find yourself running a marathon!


Some Days I Want To Throw My Laptop Out The Window


Facing and Embracing Change