Unpluggings Leads To Upleveling

Last month, my coach said something to me that kinda shocked me (but I also needed to hear).

“It’s safe for you to take time off.” ⁠

Creating The Shift

Now, for anyone that knows me, you know that I believe deeply in resting. I spend most nights in my bubble bath (usually with a glass of bubbly!). I take time each day to journal what I'm grateful for. I turn off notifications on all my devices so if I'm doing work outside of business hours, it's because I've chosen to.

The weird thing is, even though I know the power of resting, I've found it difficult to take actual time off.

So when my coach said those words to me, my initial thought was, "Umm...no no, I can’t do that." but then I stopped and thought about it. Something shifted and I made the decision to lean into them.

Like, really lean.

Like taking two back-to-back vacations lean.

And out of 16 days, I worked 6. I felt safe, empowered, rested, and joyful. ⁠

And the best bit?

Nothing burnt to the ground. No catastrophic storm hit. The business ran smoothly by my amazing OBM and kickass team.

Everything was in flow.

In fact, AK/VA signed two new clients and got a "thank you" bonus from a client.

Embrace Time Off

So, as my coach said those words to me, I'm now saying them to you:

It is safe for you to take time off.

Because your success is not determined by the number of nights you slept four hours or the number of days you worked until 10pm. It’s determined by the number of times you followed your heart and trusted your gut, the number of times you asked for support, and the number of times you put processes and systems in place that support you in working smarter not harder.

And your ability to unplug is exactly all of that.

Rest. Relax. Switch off.

Your biz (and your team) will thank you for it!


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