Hitting The Pause Button

As entrepreneurs, we often find it hard to turn off. We caught up in the go go go of running a business. What’s the next task? What’s on tomorrow’s to do list? Did I email everyone I needed to?

Because how could we get everything done if we take a day to ourselves..right?


Slowing Down

Statistics show that you are more productive when you are rested. Rest reduces your stress levels, heals your body and mind and increases your creativity. You'll make better decisions and be able to give each task the attention it deserves.

And most importantly, you are happier.

So let me ask you a question:

When is the last time you spent a day having fun?

A day that didn’t revolve around constant emails or meetings, a day where you laugh until your stomach hurts and you go on random grand adventures?

A day when you were really present in the moment?⠀

Appreciate The Simple Beauty

Today I want you to make sure you’re soaking up every second of this incredible life that you can. Be it a dinner party, a walk through nature, a phone call with a friend overseas. Take time for yourself, goof around, cook your favourite meal, laugh with friends around a campfire. Pause and appreciate the moment you’re in and the beauty that surrounds you.

I mean, shit- you earned it!

Life’s too short for your happy cup to be anything but overflowing!


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Springing Into A New Month