An Open Letter For Entrepreneurs Struggling To Let Go

Dear you amazing human,

Your business is safe in the hands of those you have entrusted to take care of it.

They will make missteps, they will have oversights, and they will learn, provide value, grow and expand. Remember that you have built a safe container for them to flop and flourish within.

Trust Your Team ⁠

It’s time to stop being their crutch. They don’t always need you anymore. They need your energy and magic and brilliance and power to remain hyper-focused on your movement. ⁠

So take time off (in whatever form that looks like to you!), re-set, re-align, rest, and come back with your focused, happy cup full. Be ready to pour into the gaps you have identified (there’s always room for improvement!), your team, your clients, your family + friends, and most importantly your dreams! ⁠

Choose Yourself

Never forget that you are the pilot of your life. You get to decide to unplug or work on vacation, you get to decide what clients feel aligned and which don’t, you get to decide if spending time focused on Instagram is as important to you as spending time connecting to nature, you get to decide if what your goal map looks like, and you get to decide this next chapter is your best one yet. ⁠

You get to design the life you desire and you get to celebrate the moments when you’re unplugged and your business is plugged in! ⁠

So let this be your reminder that you are in control of your dreams and you have the incredible power within you to achieve them. You just need to trust your team and yourself.

You’ve got this. ⁠



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