Top Five Ways To Create Balance

As entrepreneurs, our business often takes up the majority of our time. It’s so easy to get caught up with our neverending list of to dos. That client we need to call. The team member we need to help. That task that needs to be completed ASAP. That invoice that needs to be sent.

And as we get caught up in all of that, we tend to forget about something that is arguably one of the most important aspects of our entrepreneurship.


Finding the balance between our work, our relationships and ourselves is an ongoing challenge for all us.

Our businesses are our babies which means we are dedicated to nurturing them and giving them all the love they need to grow. This also means they can become all encompassing, not to mention that in today’s tech-driven world our businesses are easily accessible at the click of a button.

We know we should be spending more time with family, friends or taking the time to look after ourselves, but that “one more thing” beckons and we almost always answer the call.

But the bottom line is, to build a successful business, you need to find that balance.

If you’re stuck with how to get started on the balance journey, here’s my top five ways to get you going:

  1. Define what balance means to you. What balance is to me won’t be the same as what it means to you. It might mean taking five minutes every few hours to stretch. Or switching off your notifications at night so you can spend uninterrupted time with friends or family. Defining what it means for you will help you formulate a plan to

  2. Change your mindset to make “me time” a priority. By changing your mindset to prioritize “me time”, you will be more diligent in ensuring you engage in it.⠀

  3. Set boundaries and stick to them! You’ve heard me talk about how important boundaries in your business are for your mental health

  4. Schedule “me time” into your calendar. If it’s there, you can’t ignore it!

  5. Stop saying yes to sh*t you hate and stop spending time on things that do not light your soul on fire.

Balance is the key striving through any obstacles you may face and thriving in spite of them.

So go find your balance and start showing up in your best form for your clients and your business! ⠀


Keys To Fueling Your Excitement


Holding The Vision