when your money mindset starts to spiral

My agency runs at 34% profit, and I still have panic attacks about money.

The numbers, profits, team salaries, clients . . . it all still sends me spiraling sometimes.

In fact, it happened to me just last week.

Are you wondering why I’m sharing this with you?

Well, this is the hard part of business that nobody talks about, so I’m opening up the conversation here.

working through the panic

I ran the numbers with my coach last week after my panic began to set in.

We talked through it, and I realized I was stressing myself out unnecessarily.

Sometimes, you can get so caught up in the thick of it that you let your emotions take over. It’s totally fine to hold space for your feelings (they’re always valid), but you need to keep them out of your business decisions.

my advice

From someone who’s spiraled more times than I care to admit, this is my take on it.

It doesn't matter how much you make.

You could be hitting 7-figure MONTHS, and you'd still worry—it's human nature, a survival instinct. ⁠

When you feel yourself falling into that pit of self-doubt, give yourself permission to take a break.

Step back, recharge, and return to your business with a fresh perspective. ⁠

Take a look in the mirror, say “I’ve fucking got this,” and move on.

Your mental health is WAY more important than your business. It always has to come first; otherwise, you'll be running on empty.

Spiraling happens to the best of us, which is why I always recommend coaching. An aligned coach will help you see your business's blind spots - especially when you’re feeling defeated - and help you work through them for streamlined growth and a healthier mindset! If you are looking for a coach who gives you tough love and the strategy to scale, my one-on-one coaching has a spot with your name on it.


low client retention? it’s probably because of this.


Saying “no” to red-flag clients