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Your Black Friday Planning Guide
If you’re waiting until November to plan for Black Friday, you’re already behind. If you were going to wing your Black Friday launch, I just want to remind you that last-minute chaos only leads to missed sales. Here’s a peek at the planning workflow that helps us support our clients with Black Friday success.
are you still launching offers that don’t convert?
Did you have a recent launch that flopped? You can have the best idea for an offer, but it won't sell if it doesn't address a genuine need or desire in the market. That's the bottom line. If you’re struggling to create offers that convert, take a tip or two from Stanley Cup!
Why Lead Generation is Key to Having a Successful Launch
When it comes to having a successful launch, there are few things more important than lead generation and serving your audience with high quality, valuable content. Read on to learn about the importance of lead generation and how to move your leads through the customer value journey.
How To Maximize the Fall Season In Your Business
After a long, relaxing summer, many entrepreneurs are ready to get back in gear and take their business to the next level before the end of the year. I like to say, September is the new January, because there are so many amazing opportunities that come in this season. Read on to learn how to maximize the Fall season in your business and end the year strong.
How to Prepare to Crush Your Next Launch
Launching a new course, program, membership, or offer requires a lot of planning and preparation. There are several moving parts and small details in the process to consider. Oftentimes, I see entrepreneurs get so caught up in the marketing side of actually bringing people into these offers that they forget about some of the most important steps and details that will make their launch successful. Read on to learn how to prepare to crush your next launch.
Simplicity Is Key
As entrepreneurs, we want to do it all. Offer every program we can, every masterclass, every community. But if you’re launching program after program after program, your business will suffer. Your audience will be confused about what you’re about. You’ll be expending unnecessary energy. Here’s my one tip I give all my clients to simplify their business and scale it to new levels!