Bending Over Backward For Your Clients Is Killing Your Productivity

Bending over backward for your clients is killing your productivity.

We’re not talking about exceeding expectations in your work. We always encourage that! We mean going out of your way in ways that slow you down, hurt your business, or waste your precious time.

Here’s why you can’t let clients push your boundaries just because they pay your invoices.

Here’s Why Boundaries Matter

Boundaries aren’t about being difficult. They’re about delivering your best work.

Sometimes, you have to remind clients that if they want great results, they have to trust you to make it happen.

You shouldn’t be afraid to stand by that. As a 7-figure agency, we’ve had our fair share of difficult clients. If we just said yes and adapted everything to fit their needs, we would’ve ground to a halt by now.

Here’s A Real-Life Example.

We’ve had clients who prefer to send us task information via Voxer rather than our designated project management tool.

When this happens, we simply and politely redirect them to the correct place.

We love Voxer for quick comms, but not for task management because:

  • Things easily get lost in the chaos of voice chats.

  • Deadlines slip.

  • Our team wastes time piecing together your project.

Remember This. . .

You have systems in place for a reason — to deliver the highest level of service possible! It’s okay to decline client requests that push your boundaries so you can stay productive. If your clients can’t honour that, then they’re not meant for you.

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