This Is Your Sign to Say What’s On Your Mind
So many entrepreneurs out there are so held back by fear and imposter syndrome that they filter everything they say (or don’t say!). But the truth is, there are people out there that need and want to hear what you have to say. Take this as your sign to f*ck the imposter syndrome and say what’s on your mind!
Lessons Learned From Speaking MY Truth
My content theme lately has been: Go bold or go home!
After reading some of the comments on my posts lately, I’d have to say… it’s working!
I recently got a comment on one of my Instagram posts that said, “All your content is everything I want to say, but for some reason I get scared to, and I’m just LOVING it.”
Here's the thing... I haven't always said how I feel. Plenty of times, I've added layers of filters to my copy, being afraid to upset people.
However, things changed when I realized I didn't want to reach people who wanted me to stay in a box.
I want to reach those female entrepreneurs who aren't afraid to step outside the box.
The women who will not be silenced.
The women who thrive on being a boss bitch.
The women who set boundaries and stick to them.
The women who are full-assing it.
I started showing up as my true, authentic self, and that's when I started to find my people in this space.
Show Up And Inspire The Ones That Are Too Scared To Say What’s On Their Mind
There are people out there who need to hear what you have to say and in only the way that YOU can say it.
The comment I shared above is proof of that! Not only are you sharing your truth and speaking your mind to attract the women who aren’t afraid to step outside of the box, but also to inspire those that are scared to say f*ck the imposter syndrome and say what’s on their mind, too!
You are THEIR inspiration, encouragement, and proof that it can be done, so show the f*ck up for them!
Don't be afraid to be YOU. That's the beauty of entrepreneurship... you get to be you, without apology.
So show up with realness.
Show up with that bold, badass attitude.
Show up as yourself.
And watch the rest fall into place.
Life is too short to let fear keep you in a box.
Is fear and imposter syndrome one of the biggest things holding you back from speaking your mind, starting your business, or pivoting into something new that lights you the f*ck up?
Sometimes, we need someone else (who’s not afraid to tell it like it is) to walk through this with us and mentor us along the way.
Let me be that someone for you! Grab a spot inside my One-On-One Mentorship and we’ll tackle fear and imposter syndrome together!