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You Are Not Your Team’s Security Blanket
You are not the security blanket for your team and you cannot foster a culture of codependency. I reminded my team that they were more than capable of supporting our clients and excelling in their roles. This reminder empowered them to own their roles and kick ass at them, with or without me.
How To Set Boundaries Like A Boss
I started my business almost 5 years ago and kissed the corporate life goodbye in exchange for the freedom to create my own life, filled with optimism and a passion to get shit done. And just starting out in a business like mine, It’s scary, right?
Stay Dedicated to the Dream
I am going to be real honest for a moment. Honest about business, entrepreneurship and the whole journey. There are days when I want to throw in the towel and re-think my entire business plan. I also sort of want to throw my computer over the sea wall too.
There's Success in Simplicity
Often as entrepreneurs, we want to do all the things. We want to pump out all of the programs and courses that our hearts could think of. We want to build incredible, value-driven communities that help everyone. We have to do it all! That’s the way to build success…right?
What Happens When The Social Media Giants Go Down?
Hello? Facebook? Instagram? WhatsApp? Are you there? It was 11:12 am yesterday morning when my team and I were humming along checking off our to-dos, when all of a sudden, we couldn’t access a client’s Instagram….or their Facebook…or even reach out to them on WhatsApp.
What I've Learned From 3 Years Of Full-Time Entrepreneurship
Last week, I celebrated my three-year “leaving my full-time job to be a full-time entrepreneur”-a-versary! Here are my top lessons I’ve learned since leaving the comfort of my corporate job and jumping into full-time entrepreneurship with both feet!
Top 20 Lessons from 2020
Well, 2020 finally ended and we’re here in 2021! While last year was full of heartbreak, uncertainty and turmoil, it was also a year that taught us a lot about ourselves and how we want to show up in 2021. Check out my top 20 lessons from 2020 that we should carry into the new year!