The #1 Reason You’re Not Growing

I hate to break it to you, but if your business isn’t growing, it’s because you’re too afraid to fail! The next time you are afraid to put your best foot forward, I want you to remember what I’m about to teach you.

Ever Wonder Why Some Make It, and Others Don’t?

I can tell you it’s not because they got everything right. In fact, they probably got a ton of things wrong!

But they took what they learned from getting things wrong so they could do things differently.

the Key to Success

Learning to treat mistakes as a lesson and not a reason to stop is the key to success!

Quitting isn’t an option - it’s a choice.

Fully commit through every season. True resilience means staying strong even when things get tough.

I encourage you to fail

In fact, I encourage you to fail hard, fail often, and allow yourself to fall flat on your face sometimes.

👉 Maybe you didn’t sell as many program seats during launch week as you had hoped.

👉 Maybe you read an email wrong and wasted a day putting together an incorrect proposal.

👉 Maybe you lost two clients this month.

Instead, what these scenarios provide is an opportunity to grow! Anytime you are tested, challenged, or faced with a hard decision, you are given a chance to learn, evolve and improve.

That might look like a chance to give your program launch a facelift, a reminder to slow down when reading emails, or a lesson on customer retention best practices. ⁠

The next time you come across something that might *feel* like a failure, I want you to ask yourself, "What is this experience trying to teach me?"

If you are thinking about refreshing your course or gearing up for a launch, my team can help!


Money Beliefs That Helped Me Build a 7-Figure Business


why you need to steer clear of using AI to make sales