The Power of Visibility in Your Online Business

Has anyone ever told you that you don’t have to be visible to run a successful online business? If so, you’ve been told wrong. The truth is, if you aren’t visible, your offerings won’t be either. Read on to learn about the power of visibility and why it’s so important to show the f*ck up!

What Happens If You’re NOT Visible

If you’re not staying visible in your online business, whether that be on social media, your blog, podcast, or in your email marketing, people won’t be buying your services, programs, or products. 

It’s as simple as that. 

Clients don’t just appear in your inbox with inquiries magically. 

It takes hard work, dedication, and a consistent commitment to remaining VISIBLE. 

⁠You might say, “But my services are A-class and I get my clients amazing results!” 

That’s great, but unless you’ve got a bat signal announcing your greatness, nobody’s going to know. 

You Deserve To Be Visible

Your genius and expertise deserves a standing ovation, not a front-row seat to your one-person show in the shadows. ⁠You deserve to be visible, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!

⁠Visibility isn’t a bonus feature of running an online business. It’s a non-negotiable part of the business game. 

You can be visible in so many ways, from social media to email, your blog, podcast, and more. You don’t have to do it all or hire a full on PR firm to be visible and get your name and genius out into the world.

You can pick one or two platforms and go all in on them.

The bottom line is, if you’re not showing up anywhere, you might as well send your clients an invitation to your competition’s party, because they are showing up. 

That “I don’t need to be seen” nonsense is just that… nonsense. If you’re running a ghost business, how do you expect people to throw money at their screens shouting, “Take my cash!?” 

Spoiler alert: They won’t. 

⁠It’s time to kick modesty to the curb, put on your CEO shoes, and let the world see the badassery you’re selling. If they can’t see you, they can’t buy from you.⁠

Are you ready to take your visibility to the next level and grow your VA business like a BOSS? We dedicate an entire module in The Foundation to marketing yourself and getting visible! 

Join the program and learn how to attract your ideal clients and bring in a steady income month-after-month!


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