The Best-Selling Business Tool That EVERYONE Has

I’m going to come right out of the gate and tell you one of my biggest pet peeves. 

I see it a lot in business, and every single time, it makes me want to shake my wine glass and scream “YOU are worthy!”

That pet peeve? When people discount their best-selling tool – themselves. 

All of those fancy apps and trendy programs are great, but they don’t have anything on what YOU bring to the table. 

They don’t have your knowledge, your passion, your drive, your message, or your commitment to your dreams. 

And those are the things that make you the most powerful tool in your business.

Believe me, you can search for hours upon hours for the perfect system or software, but it all comes down to the person behind the screen. The mind that works it. The heart that pours passion into it. 

So what makes us think that we are not enough? Why must we always chase down the next popular thing in business?

The answer… comparison

The business world is a beautiful place, but it can be tough to see yourself as worthy when you’re constantly exposed to what everyone else is doing. 

You begin to think that what’s right for them must be right for you too. 

But I want to challenge this way of thinking. I want to challenge you to let your light shine, break the mold that others are creating for you, and live your life according to your rules. 

Because baby, your rules and your tools are your best-selling assets!

They are what make you unique, different, and totally badass. 

No more changing who you are because it’s not how everyone else does it. After all, leaders don’t become leaders by following the crowd. They become leaders by taking a stand, tapping into their values, owning their strengths (and weaknesses), and carving their own path, all while respecting others along the way. 

⁠It’s time to live in authenticity, share from the heart, design your message and actions to appeal to your target audience, and embrace the beautifully unique qualities that make you so incredible (and that set you apart from your competition!)

Need a little help finding out what your unique business tools are? I’m here for it. ⁠

⁠Registration for my next Scale to Success Mini-Mind cohort is now OPEN and we start in January! 

⁠⁠In this program, I will teach you the knowledge of how to build, market, and run a successful and sold-out VA business on YOUR terms. ⁠

⁠Ready to shine in your business EXACTLY as you are?

Click here to apply!


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