Take a Step Back and Step Into Your Needs

Have you ever had one of those days where the alarm goes off and your body just shouts, “No!”? One of those days where your body and mind are telling you to slow down and rest? I know how guilty that can make you feel, like you’re not being productive or wasting the day away. 

Your body knows best and when it is telling you to rest, you need to take a step back and step into your needs.

Not too long ago, I did something I haven’t done in forever. I got out of bed at 11:00 AM. Sounds wild, right? When my alarm rang at 7:30 AM, I could feel my body shouting at me to “rest, rest, rest.”

So I leaned into what my body was asking for and I fucking listened. And let me tell you, it felt amazing. I woke up feeling revived, refreshed, and like a whole new woman. Most importantly, my business did NOT crumble. My team didn’t struggle without me. My clients were taken care of. 

The next 48 hours that followed were the most creative and productive hours I have had in the past 2 years. 

⁠As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to fall into the hustle culture trap and always be “on,” constantly thinking, doing, and accomplishing “just one more thing” before you take a break. 

⁠The reality is, pushing and pushing without giving yourself space to rest, play, or fill up your happy cup WILL result in resentment, low energy levels, and the dreaded burnout. 

To be able to show up for your team and your clients, you need to show up for YOURSELF first.⁠ Listen to what your body needs… always. Your health, both physically and mentally, is more important than that proposal being sent today or that Asana task being marked off. ⁠

This is your permission slip to take a step back and step into your needs. You deserve it. 

Do you love no bull-shit, honest, and actionable business conversations and tips? I’ve got something SUPER exciting heading your way later this month. 

Head on over to Instagram and hit “follow” so you’re the first to know!


Sell What You’re Most Excited About


The Golden Ticket to Success