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Your Business Is Growing But Your life Has paused
You didn’t start your business to slave away for endless hours, miss out on moments with loved ones, or constantly say no to vacations and opportunities. This was supposed to bring you freedom, not force you into a cycle of non-stop hustle. And if we’re being honest? You deserve more than survival mode. Here's our advice to finding balance as a 7-figure business owner.
You’re Leaving Money On The Table With this one mistake
If you’re doing this one thing every.single.month, we need to talk because it means you’re essentially working for free. And we BOTH know you did not go into business to make $0. Every time you send an invoice after you complete client work, you run the risk of leaving so much money on the table. Here’s what I suggest instead!
How to Turn Work-Mode Off and Recharge
Do you feel constantly tied down by work and like you have to take work with you everywhere you go? Whether it’s a girl’s weekend, a family vacation, or a random Tuesday that you are offline, you deserve to enjoy life, recharge, and turn work-mode OFF. Read on to learn how to stop taking work with you everywhere and which systems you need in place to make this happen.
Take a Step Back and Step Into Your Needs
Have you ever had one of those days where the alarm goes off and your body just shouts, “No!”? One of those days where your body and mind are telling you to slow down and rest? I know how guilty that can make you feel, like you’re not being productive or wasting the day away. Your body knows best and when it is telling you to rest, you need to take a step back and step into your needs.
Say Goodbye to Grind Culture
Grind culture has become quite the norm over the past years in the entrepreneurial world.
It tells us to ignore our well-being in order to be more productive. The premise is to go, go, go until you can’t go anymore.
But I'm here to tell you… you are not a damn machine!
Rethinking the Holiday Hustle
Truth bomb: The holidays aren’t meant for hustle.
For so many people, this is the busiest time of the year.
Between year-end business tasks, reflections, planning for the new year, wrapping gifts, holiday parties, and trying to be present with the people you love most, it can feel like you’re on a constant hamster hustle wheel.
You’re Allowed to be Human
I woke up after a sleepless night, holding what felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders. The struggles and tribulations of my clients. The stressors of running a business and managing a team. The expectation to know it all and always get it right the first time.
Stop Working Yourself into a State of Burnout
I think it’s safe to say that a lot of us have fallen into this concept that our worth is determined by our productivity. Or something like…The harder you work, the more money you will make. But being valuable or becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to work 12+ hour days for months on end.
Last Week, I Had The Moment I've Been Waiting For
I had The Moment last week. The moment that all entrepreneurs building their biz and team wait for. The moment that’s a result of the hard work, the tears, the frustration, the successes and the perseverance. Here it is.
Top Five Ways To Create Balance
As entrepreneurs, our business often takes up the majority of our time. It’s so easy to get caught up with our neverending list of to dos. But finding balance is absolutely key to building the successful business you dream of! Here's my top five ways you can introduce some balance in your life!