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Take a Step Back and Step Into Your Needs
Have you ever had one of those days where the alarm goes off and your body just shouts, “No!”? One of those days where your body and mind are telling you to slow down and rest? I know how guilty that can make you feel, like you’re not being productive or wasting the day away. Your body knows best and when it is telling you to rest, you need to take a step back and step into your needs.
Rethinking the Holiday Hustle
Truth bomb: The holidays aren’t meant for hustle.
For so many people, this is the busiest time of the year.
Between year-end business tasks, reflections, planning for the new year, wrapping gifts, holiday parties, and trying to be present with the people you love most, it can feel like you’re on a constant hamster hustle wheel.
Nourish So You Can Flourish
Sometimes you have to take a step back to be able to take a successful step forward. I know you are in the thick of it right now and taking a step back seems like it will create even more work for you and you will fall more behind than you already are.
Unpluggings Leads To Upleveling
Last month, my coach said something to me that kinda shocked me (but I also needed to hear). Instead of ignoring it, I leaned into it. Like, really leaned. Here’s what happened.