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Investing in Your Business is Investing in Yourself
Investing in your business can be scary, but instead of just thinking of it as a lot of time or money spent on your business, think of it as an investment in yourself. Investing in yourself is 100% necessary in growing both personally and in your business.
How To Set Boundaries Like A Boss
I started my business almost 5 years ago and kissed the corporate life goodbye in exchange for the freedom to create my own life, filled with optimism and a passion to get shit done. And just starting out in a business like mine, It’s scary, right?
Stay Dedicated to the Dream
I am going to be real honest for a moment. Honest about business, entrepreneurship and the whole journey. There are days when I want to throw in the towel and re-think my entire business plan. I also sort of want to throw my computer over the sea wall too.
Some Days I Want To Throw My Laptop Out The Window
It’s true. Let’s be real, as an entrepreneur, you’re going to have tough days. Those days where you feel like giving up and just want to curl up in a ball and cry. You know the ones- we’ve all been there. Here’s my top five tips for getting through those moments and come out stronger the other side!