5 Tips for Getting To Know Your Team Better

In order to be a great leader, you must build up the people who help build your business. Not only is it important to ensure that your team feels happy, inspired, and fulfilled in their work, but the more you get to know them and build them up, the more they’ll be able to grow in their roles and bring more success into the business. Read on for 5 tips for getting to know your team better so you can create a business run by people who are thriving.  

Why You Need To Build Up Your Team

⁠If you don’t take the time to build up your team and get to know them on a personal and professional level, there will likely be a level of disconnect. They may not be comfortable asking questions. They may feel disempowered in their role and unmotivated to give their all to their work.

However, when you show your team that you care, you believe in them, and that you are there to build them up and support them every step of the way, magic happens! 

What It Takes to Be a Good Leader

Being a good leader requires empathy and understanding. ⁠It requires you to be open and honest with your team and give them the space to be open and honest with you. A good leader creates a safe environment where growth is celebrated and mistakes are used as learning opportunities. 

Your team may not think like you think, view processes through the same lens as you, or communicate in the same way. Creating an empowered and flourishing team means learning who your team is and how they operate. A good leader is open to new ways of doing things in order to let each team member thrive in their role. 

5 Tips for Getting To Know Your Team Better

If you’re ready to level up your leadership and get to know your team better so you can support them in their roles in the business, try out these 5 tips that will help you build up your people and create a thriving team culture. 

  1. Send out personality tests so you can better understand their work and communication style.

  2. Conduct annual team surveys to get feedback and get to know their strengths and desires. ⁠

  3. Hold weekly meetings with your ENTIRE team⁠ to connect, go over processes, and ask questions.

  4. Ask questions about their preferences, such as if they prefer tasks in written text or voice note.  

  5. Consider their personal lives and how that impacts their work life. ⁠

Your people are who build your business. You need to take the time to learn how your team works best to be able to support them and provide them with the tools they need to be successful. ⁠

To become a great leader, you must honour that no two people are the same. When you learn how your team works, communicates, and lives, you'll have a stronger team and more successful business for it. ⁠

If you’re an entrepreneur looking to step up your leadership so you can create a flourishing team, let’s work through it together! Apply for 1:1 Coaching with me so we can help you get to know your team better and build them (and your business) up!


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