4 Systems For Business Success

When you’re running a business as a solopreneur or as part of a team, there are a lot of moving parts. There are a lot of tasks to manage, communications with clients and team members to be had, and notes to keep track of. 

Without systems and processes in place, shit is going to hit the fan. 

Let’s be honest, even with all of the right systems and processes in place, shit is still bound to hit the fan occasionally. 

However, you can minimize the disruption and arrive at the solution more efficiently with these 4 systems for business success in place. 

These are the exact systems we have in place here at AK/VA to make sure things don’t fall through the cracks and that we are working as efficiently as possible. 

⁠#1: Morning Task Check

This is a simple, yet necessary system to set your day up for success. Take a daily scan of all of the tasks in your project management system to make sure that everyone has what they need and no one is overloaded.

If information or clarification is needed from a client, this is the time to ping them and ask. If a team member is overloaded, prioritize their tasks and communicate this to them so they know what is needed first and what can wait until the next day.

#2: Daily Huddle

If you are working on a team, having a daily team huddle, AKA, a quick morning meeting, is a great way to ensure that all teammates have what they need to complete their tasks. This is their opportunity to ask questions, get clarification, and get aligned for the day.

Aim to make these meetings short at 15 minutes or less. After each teammate has asked their questions, gotten their answers, and been filled in on any other updates that pertain to them, allow them to jump off the huddle and start getting shit done for the day!

As the leader of the huddle, become a diligent note-taker so you can ensure you get all teammates the answers they need and communicate those as they come in. 

⁠#3: End-of-Day Check

Just like it is important to start the day with a task check, it’s key to end the day with a task check as well. Go through all of the project management tasks for each client and your own business to make sure all tasks have been completed and nothing has popped up.

Check your business email, client and team communication tools, and organize tasks for the next day by priority. 

⁠#4: Multiple Methods of Communication⁠

Having multiple methods of communication is crucial. Using a project management tool, email, and an instant communication method, such as Slack or WhatsApp is a great way to ensure all clients and team members have multiple ways to reach out, especially if urgent needs come up.

It’s important to train your team and clients on which methods to use for different types of scenarios. For example, Slack and WhatsApp are the best tools for sending login information and communicating urgent needs. Email is great for detailing tasks and projects coming up. Your project management system is best for setting tasks up and adding details for team members. 

⁠It is essential that you have systems and processes like this in your business to maintain energy, flow, and efficiency in your business. They are also important in case something goes wrong (and it will) so that you can deal with it quickly and efficiently.⁠

If you want to learn more about how to set up systems for success in your business, click here to sign up for our signature course, The Foundation!


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