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Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective

⁠Say Goodbye to Grind Culture

Grind culture has become quite the norm over the past years in the entrepreneurial world.

It tells us to ignore our well-being in order to be more productive. The premise is to go, go, go until you can’t go anymore.

But I'm here to tell you… you are not a damn machine!⁠

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Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective

Hitting The Pause Button

As entrepreneurs, we often find it hard to turn off. We caught up in the go go go of running a business. What’s the next task? What’s on tomorrow’s to do list? Did I email everyone I needed to? But let me ask you a question: when was the last time you spent a day just having fun?

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Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective

Top Five Ways To Create Balance

As entrepreneurs, our business often takes up the majority of our time. It’s so easy to get caught up with our neverending list of to dos. But finding balance is absolutely key to building the successful business you dream of! Here's my top five ways you can introduce some balance in your life!

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