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Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective

How to Raise Your Prices With Confidence

One of the most powerful aspects of being a business owner is having the freedom and control to set and raise your prices how you see fit. No more waiting for an annual, company-wide pay raise that the entire staff receives, no matter how hard you work or how much business you bring in. Being an entrepreneur allows you to be in charge of what you charge! However, raising your prices can come with some challenges, mindset blocks, and imposter syndrome. Read on to learn what key factors to consider when raising your prices so you can do so with confidence and clarity!

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Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective Entrepreneurial Tips The Champagne Collective

Impact Over Income… Always.

As entrepreneurs, it can be easy to want to chase down the income and shiny objects that we see others achieving on social media.

However, if you only focus on the money, you will never succeed.

The truth is, no matter how much your clients pay you, you should treat each and every one of them the same.

Whether they pay you $500 a month or $5,000 a month, each client should be given the same level of attention and priority in your business.

Check out this list of a few things that are more important than making money in your business.

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