Impact Over Income… Always.

As entrepreneurs, it can be easy to want to chase down the income and shiny objects that we see others achieving on social media. 

However, if you only focus on the money, you will never succeed. 

It’s a tough pill to swallow, isn’t it?

The truth is, no matter how much your clients pay you, you should treat each and every one of them the same. 

Whether they pay you $500 a month or $5,000 a month, each client should be given the same level of attention and priority in your business. 

These people are entrusting their business, their livelihood, and their life’s work in you. 

Take that responsibility seriously and truly care about your people

Here is a quick list of some things that are more important than making money in your business: ⁠

  1. ⁠⁠How people are treated.⁠

  2. ⁠How you feel about the work that you are doing. ⁠

  3. ⁠The impact that you are creating in the world. ⁠

⁠You cannot value money over everything else in your business. 

⁠There are so many things in this life and business that are more important than money.

The amazing thing about being an entrepreneur is that you get to build your business around the values that matter to you.⁠

So focus on your impact and truly caring about your people, because that's where the real success lies. ⁠⁠

And when you put your focus on serving your people and making an impact, the income you desire will follow. 

Are you ready to get clear on your values and build a high-impact business? 

Click here to check out The Foundation, my step-by-step program to help you build the successful, thriving, and FUN business of your dreams!


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