Put the Trust In Your Team

If you’re a business owner with trust issues, this one’s for you. Consider this a mini-intervention that will save you a whole lot of time, stress, and anxiety as your business grows and expands. Are you ready to hear it?

You MUST put the trust in your team!

Putting the trust in your team communicates to them that you value their work and ability to deliver. It empowers them to show up and do their job to the best of their ability, knowing that you have full trust and belief in them. Not only will this help them grow as individuals, but as teammates. 

The more trust you put in your team, the more buy-in you get from them.  

Trust that when your team says they did something, they did it. Micromanaging your team by checking in on the steps that they have already confirmed they've taken is wasting time and money. Quite frankly, ⁠it’s clogging up your precious brain space, too! Save that space for creativity and working in your zone of genius. 

⁠When you micromanage your team,  you are sending a message of distrust. Your team will lose confidence in their work. This will lead to them not giving their best if they're riddled with anxiety and fear of messing up. Then, you'll have even bigger problems on your hands.⁠

In order to trust your team, you must first trust yourself. 

⁠Trust yourself to hire people whose skills you trust and set them up for success by offering constructive and honest feedback that will only improve their work. If you are continuously second-guessing them and don’t feel confident enough in your team to let them do their thing, then it's time to take a hard look at the team and systems you have in place.⁠

Do you need help revamping your systems and hiring the RIGHT people, people that you TRUST, to get the job done? Click here to book a FREE 30-minute consultation with me so we can get your business running like a well-oiled machine in no time!


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