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What to Do When You’ve Lost Your Way Towards Your Goals
Setting big goals is exciting, new, and gives you that adrenaline rush that we as entrepreneurs can’t seem to get enough of.
However, that’s not to say that working towards these lofty goals isn’t tough, because damn it sure can be.
Starting a new habit, adopting a new practice, or learning a new system in your business can be difficult. Working towards your epic goals can be downright overwhelming.
4 Tips For Organizing Your Business in the New Year
Don’t you love the feeling of a brand new year?
A new start. A new mindset. A new opportunity to make this year exactly what you want it to be.
No matter what your goals for your business are this year, it is so important to reflect and start the year with a clear vision and fresh organization.
How To Get The Most Out Of Summer (And Smash The Rest Of The Year!)
I’m not sure about you but summer is my favourite time of the year. Here in Vancouver, the hot weather means patios, beach time, wine touring and an increased social calendar! And as a business owner…it means goal-setting season!
Four Simple Tips To Being More Productive
There’s no doubt we’d all like to be more productive and yet we’ve all been in that place where we start on a task, get distracted and the next thing we know, an hour has passed and that task is still sitting there in all its uncompleted glory. Here are my top four simple ways to introduce more productivity to your day!