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What To Do If Your Client Doesn’t Like Something You’ve Created
Have you ever worked really hard on a client project and excitedly submitted it to them for review, only to get constructive feedback from them on aspects they don’t like? I know this can feel a little discouraging, but please know, we’ve all been there. Read on to learn what to do if your client doesn’t like something you’ve created so you can move forward with confidence and a plan to get the project to completion.
How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed by Client Deadlines
Do you constantly feel overwhelmed by client deadlines? When you see a task come in, does it immediately send you into a stressed-out frenzy? That’s no way for an entrepreneur to feel in your OWN business. If you're wondering how to stop feeling overwhelmed by client deadlines and feel more in flow with your work, read on!
Why You Need to Read Your Contracts Carefully
If you’re an online entrepreneur that works with service providers, team members, or an agency that delivers services, you should ALWAYS have a contract in place. A contract sets out the terms of your working relationship including the services to be delivered, the price, how payment should be delivered, and more.
It is essential to read your contracts carefully in order to fully understand what you can and can’t expect from your service provider and how they do business. When you sign the contract, you’re making a promise to the person that is delivering the service that you will honour what is in it.