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4 Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Business
Being an entrepreneur and running your own business is amazing and empowering, but that doesn’t mean it comes without its share of struggles and challenges. If you are feeling stuck in your business (or your personal life), here are 4 ways to get unstuck and find your way back.
You’re Allowed to be Human
I woke up after a sleepless night, holding what felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders. The struggles and tribulations of my clients. The stressors of running a business and managing a team. The expectation to know it all and always get it right the first time.
Stop Working Yourself into a State of Burnout
I think it’s safe to say that a lot of us have fallen into this concept that our worth is determined by our productivity. Or something like…The harder you work, the more money you will make. But being valuable or becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to work 12+ hour days for months on end.