4 Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Business

Being an entrepreneur and running your own business is amazing and empowering, but that doesn’t mean it comes without its share of struggles and challenges. So often, people will tell you to “just keep going” when times get tough. However, that’s so much easier said than done, especially when you’re in the thick of it and feeling completely stuck in your business. 

When you are in a funk in your business or personal life, a pep-talk alone is not going to pull you out of it. 

All that teaches you to do is avoid your emotions around challenges, when in reality, these discussions about how to move forward when you‘ve lost your way toward your goals and are feeling stuck should be normalized. ⁠

⁠When you’re working 40+ hours a week, surviving on caffeine and takeout, and not taking care of your body or your mind, it can be hard to remember that the reason you actually started this business was so you could have more freedom, more time with your family, and focus more on your mental health and wellness.⁠

If you are feeling stuck in your business (or your personal life), here are 4 ways to get unstuck and find your way back. 

⁠#1: Forgive yourself. 

You are only human and it is okay to fail forwards when working towards your goals.⁠ Nobody is perfect. ⁠Every time you are met with a challenge, allow yourself to embrace it as an opportunity for growth and think about the ways in which you are learning and growing stronger because of it. 

⁠#2: Get back on that horse! 

Not giving up completely is the most important part of the journey. No matter what happens, you can always try again. Take every experience as a learning opportunity and show up even stronger the next time. This is where your resilience comes in!

⁠#3: Re-examine your goals and the steps you'have taken to get there. 

You may need to re-adjust your timeline, approach it from a different direction, or add more actionable steps in order to reach your goals. ⁠This is the time to get down and dirty and change it up if needed.⁠ Success is not linear, so embrace the curves in the road and pivot as needed.

#4: Make it exciting! 

Create a vision board or write a note on your fridge that pumps you up about your goals. Remind yourself why you are making this commitment and let that drive you!⁠ If your goals aren’t driving you anymore, it may be time to reflect on your why and ensure that your goals are in alignment with your bigger vision and purpose. 

Whenever you’re feeling stuck in your business or life, come back to these 4 things and allow them to help you find your way back. 

If you’re feeling like you’ve lost your way or need to re-evaluate your goals to ensure they align with your purpose, I’d love to help guide you through this process.

Grab a spot in my 1:1 mentorship and let’s help you get unstuck and re-energized together!


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