How to Create an Action Plan From Your Client Feedback

One of the best ways to stay on track with your clients as a virtual assistant or service provider is to send out client feedback forms or questionnaires occasionally throughout the year. This is a great way to request honest feedback, which can then help you serve them even better. However, sending the feedback form is only the first step. Read on to learn how to use your client feedback to create an action plan that helps you serve them the best you possibly can!

The Purpose of a Client Feedback Form

Sending a client feedback form is an important way to gain insight on how the client feels about your services, how they feel it’s going working together, how your support is helping them, and what they would like to see done differently to improve the working relationship. This feedback is crucial in getting systems and processes set up and optimized for that unique client's business and needs. 

Your client feedback form is also a huge opportunity for growth for YOU as the service provider. Their feedback can help you see where you can take ownership and make improvements, grow your skills, and streamline your own communication, systems, and processes.

Instead of looking at feedback as criticism, look at it as an opportunity to listen, lead, take ownership, and create a solution that you can then implement and communicate to clients. 

The real purpose of a client feedback form is to improve your client's experience and provide them with more value, which can only be achieved if you create an action plan from their feedback!

Creating an Action Plan From Your Client Feedback

After receiving a client feedback form, you can’t just leave that feedback sitting in a Google Sheet and not take action on it. ⁠Instead, it’s your job to read the feedback thoroughly and with an open mind. Take time to sit with it, reflect, acknowledge your mistakes or shortcomings, take notes, and provide solutions for those gaps to improve. 

Then, create an action plan of what you can change moving forward and communicate it openly with the client! This will ensure you’re constantly growing and evolving as a business and leader, but it will also show your clients that you truly care about them, their business, and your relationship.  

⁠A lot of business owners ask their clients for feedback. However, you can stand out by addressing their concerns, solving the problem, and openly communicating it with them. This is a simple thing to implement in your business, but it will speak volumes to your clients about your business and the services you provide. Your clients are people too, and you have to listen to them and maintain two-way communication.⁠

If you’re looking for support in setting up your feedback form and action plan process, let’s work through it together in my 1:1 Get Shit Done Coaching! You’ll come out the other side feeling confident and ready to ask for feedback and continue to grow as a business owner!


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