Clarity = Cash!

Assumptions…. the mother of all fuck ups.

Am I right or am I right?

Assumptions create errors and errors affect (apologies in advance I always screw up effect and affect!) our businesses ability to scale and succeed.

You need to eliminate assumptions amongst your team and clients, so you gain clarity and earn more cash.

Clarity = Cash.

So how do you do this?

Step 1: Create multiple, open lines of communication. Email, Project Management system, Instant Communication method (like Voxer or Viber or WhatsApp). Ensuring that you have open lines of communication and multiple avenues for clients/team members to reach you encourages them to ask more questions.

Step 2: Encourage others to ask ALL the questions. Literally, in my opinion there is no such thing as too many questions! The more questions, the most clarity, and the less assumptions.

Step 3: Create a supportive environment where others can Flourish + Flop. Listen we are humans, which means that we are creatures of habit, and falling back on our assumption coattails is easy to do! If you create a safe space where questions can be asked, mistakes can be made and learning can occur, you will help eliminate assumptions.

Take 2 actions today that will help eliminate assumptions in your business and watch the clarity increase your cash flow!


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