What 30 trips around the globe has taught me!

Tomorrow I turn the big 3-0 and I am SO excited! I thought I would dread this day, dread saying goodbye to my 20s and moving into a new decade with my life being nothing like the picture I had in my mind.

I used to think that by 30 I’d be married, have kids or kids on the way, and be in a steady 9-5 job where I was happy and consistently scaling my career. Was I ever WRONG! I am not married, I don’t have kids, and I am my own boss, running two businesses, and guess what, I could not be HAPPIER!

Life has a funny way of placing us on the path we are meant to walk rather than the one we thought we should be on, and if we change our mindset and perspective to embrace the wins, losses, triumphs, lessons, relationships, and every beautiful moment that we get to live, THEN we will always be happy and fulfilled.

In the last 30 years, but more specifically in the last 10 I have learned a shit ton of valuable lessons! If I could go back in time and give my 20 year old self advice, this is what I would tell her;

  1. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. Speak your truth, live in authenticity and approach every situation with integrity. 

  2. Be as kind and complimentary as you possibly can. You never know if a smile, a hug, or a “you’re beautiful” can change a life. 

  3. Wait for the fairytale love, because it does exist. 

  4. Make time for people who mean the world to you. There will always be work to do, but there will not always be time to spend with friends and family. 

  5. Actively practice being grateful. Whether you journal daily or share verbally. Recognize the things you have to be grateful for, and watch how much more abundance you will attract.

  6. Travel. As far and as much as you can. And when you do fully embrace the culture that surrounds you, the food, the language, the people, the art, the music, let it change you. 

  7. Move your body every day. Whether you want to twerk, run 10KM, walk your dog, hike Everest or complete a triathlon, MOVE!

  8. When you are afraid to take a leap, JUMP! Feel the fear and let it inspire and guide you. You don’t want to ever look back and wonder “what if”. 

  9. Celebrate every single one of your wins with champagne. 

  10. Say I love you….to everyone who means the world to you, as often as you can. Life is fleeting, and we are only guaranteed the moment we live in. 

  11. Chase all of your wildest dreams. You WILL surprise yourself with your strength, resilience, knowledge, passion, dedication and desire for building the life you have dreamt of. 

The last 30 years have shaped me into the woman I am today. And while I have a lot of self discovery, growth, learning, and expansion ahead of me, I am confident and comfortable entering my 30s with the most positive outlook on life. One where I trust my instincts, selfishly follow my heart, crash and burn, crush my goals, love fearlessly, say no to all the shit I hate, and live every single day as happy as I possibly can.


The key to finding balance is living in harmony!


In between goals is a thing called life!