The Middle Is Messy

“The middle is messy but it’s also where the magic happens.”- Brene Brown

This isn’t just true for our entrepreneurial life but also our relationships, our friendships, our family.

All of it.

The middle is the stage where we experience the most growth. Where we are challenged, questioned, tested, and tempted.

It’s the stage where we learn the most about ourselves and what we truly desire.

It’s the stage where we find the courage to face our fears, to selfishly pursue the things we feel the most passionate about, to align our actions with our goals, and to finally trust our instincts regardless of what others say.

Of course, it doesn’t feel that way when you’re in it. It feels awkward. It feels stressful. You’re not sure if things are going to work out. In those moments of growth and uncertainty, it’s all too easy to tell yourself, “I want to give up”, “This isn’t worth it”, or “I am not capable of achieving my goal.”

But here’s the thing. If you want to succeed and live a happy and fulfilled life, you have to learn to accept the messy. It’s going to happen so you might as well embrace it. Love it. Let it change you for the better!

It’s not going to be easy. In fact, it’s going to be really hard, but I promise you that when you embrace the messy and move through it with grit and grace, the end will be gorgeous!


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