I celebrated a mistake with champagne!
This week I made a mistake.
Not my team, not technology (I mean #mercury am I right?!), ME.
A mistake that could be very impactful to my client.
When I was alerted to the fact that the mistake was made, my stomach sank, I cried, and honestly I went into full shut down mode….for about 15 minutes.
Then I realized that this was an opportunity for me to learn. An opportunity for me to get uncomfortable, for me to reflect, to grow, and to be better. An opportunity for me to practice changing my mindset.
That’s exactly what mistakes are….OPPORTUNITIES!!
Spoiler alert…your entrepreneurial journey will include fuck ups, because you are human! Perfection is a fallacy because perfection does not allow for pivoting, expansion and scaling. Your journey will include days when you feel frozen because the world is crashing in around you, and it’s important to remember to embrace those days….for they are as important, if not more important, than the days when we win and triumph and overcome our obstacles like the bad ass boss babes that we are.
Alignment is one of the keys to your success!
When it feels like you are amongst the catastrophe listen to the universe tell you that you are no longer in alignment (I know it sounds woo-woo, but it’s honestly the truth!).
Once I took time to reflect on the how and why the mistake happened, and to create a plan (literally I wrote it in my notebook), as to how I could do and be better next time, I went out and I bought a bottle of good champagne. I mean really good champagne.
Because there is ALWAYS something to celebrate.
Because mistakes make us stronger.
Because looking forward is so much more important then looking back.
This is your reminder that you are strong enough to handle ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that comes your way. That your “mistakes” are actually opportunities clothed in negative self talk. AND that if you remain committed to your vision and your goals, you can achieve everything you desire.
Until next time,