Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul!

The past week of travelling around Toronto and surrounding areas has truly changed my life. 

I am a firm believer that we should travel as often, as far, and to as many places as we possibly can, because I know that travel benefits our soul and our businesses!

Travel expands our horizons, it opens us up to new cultures and beliefs and people. It catapults our creativity into overdrive, it provides us with a new outlook and perspective on the world we live in, it improves our communication skills, and it allows us to embrace uncertainty and face change head on.

Travelling is about more than taking pictures for the ‘gram, adventuring to hidden beaches, and exploring the best happy hours. It’s about truly embracing the culture in which you are surrounded. The music, the art, the language, the people, the religion(s), the food, and the scenery. 

It’s about letting the cities and towns you step foot in change you. 

It’s about letting the people you meet have an impact on your heart.

It’s about letting the business practices you observe adjust the way you view your own company.

It’s about letting the food you eat and the cocktails you enjoy expand your palette.

It’s about letting the nature you surround yourself with make you realize the impact you can have on this earth.

My advice to you is this. Travel. Jump at every opportunity that you get to get on a plane, or to take a road trip, or to hop on a train. Expand your horizons, step outside your comfort zone, and embrace and appreciate every moment you have in the incredible places you are lucky to step foot in.


The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake.


The key to finding balance is living in harmony!