Get Comfortable With Uncomfortable

Okay, I’m going to give it to you straight.

If you want to build a successful business then you’re going to have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

I can guarantee there will be moments in your entrepreneurial journey that you’ll feel awkward. Things will go wrong and you’ll feel uneasy. Whether it be when you’re launching a new program or pivoting your focus to something new. 

Being uncomfortable is just part of the game.

But guess what?

It’s a key part.

it’s what pushes you to do better, learn more, ask for help when you need it (nope, you can’t do it all alone!), to own your “mistakes”, to make the big investment, and to take the leap! ⠀

It’s what pushes you to take risks and get outside your comfort zone.

Business success can’t exist without risk tasking. It might not pan out the way you thought but we don’t get to pick when plans go sideways, when storms hit, or when everything we thought was right is wrong.

What we do get to pick is how we react to these situations. 

Get used to the “sucky” feeling and embrace it. 

If a situation is bad, deal with it.

Entrepreneurial life is messy and hard (especially that middle part!) but you know what?

You’ll always get the test before you get the lesson and that feeling of discomfort is part of the journey.

Remember that the hiccups, the setbacks, and the roadblocks are as much an integral part of your journey as the wins, the successes, and the triumphs.⠀

You are on the right path and you can have everything your heart desires. 

Embrace the uncomfortable, take the risk and get your vision out there! 


Facing and Embracing Change


Keys To Fueling Your Excitement