3 Business Lessons That Running Has Taught Me

Throughout the course of my entrepreneurship journey, I’ve made it a daily priority to take care of my physical and mental health. Not only does this make me healthier and more focused, but it makes me a better person, leader, and teammate. One of my favourite ways to take care of my physical and mental health is running. While running is amazing for my health and well-being, it’s also taught me a few important business lessons along the way. Read on to learn the 3 business lessons that running has taught me over the years. 

3 Business Lessons I’ve Learned From Running

#1: Your best will look different than others. ⁠

⁠Comparison kills, both in business and in your running times. Comparing your business to someone else's is like comparing your uphill mile hike time to someone's personal sprinting record on smooth terrain. The distances may be the same, but there is a massive difference between the goals each person is really working towards. Therefore, we must focus on ourselves, our successes, and our businesses, because our best will look different than others. ⁠

⁠#2: Focusing on breathing will take you further. ⁠

⁠Maintaining our calmness and ability to focus on the goal rather than our struggles in business is just as important as maintaining our breath during a long run. Regardless of what happens in business, it's so important to just breathe and keep going, despite the hurdles that come your way. ⁠

⁠#3: Visualizing the end destination will get you there faster than counting each step it will take to get there. ⁠

⁠On a run, it can be easy to focus on the challenging hills and curves ahead. However, it's the view from the pier you're headed towards that you should keep in mind during the journey. In business, we run into problems and obstacles along the way - it’s inevitable. It's easy to become discouraged and bored of the path you're on. What keeps you running is visualizing where you want to end up. Therefore, it’s important to visualize the success you desire in business and let it push you towards your end goal. ⁠

⁠The truth is, running a hard path and running a business are extremely similar. They both require hard work, dedication, action, and passion. ⁠

⁠Shit gets difficult on any journey, but the views from the top are always worth it, so keep on running. 

If you’re in a season in business of running up the mountain and you need a little encouragement, support, and accountability to stop comparing, keep breathing, and continue visualizing the end destination, sign up for a 1:1 Mentorship spot with me where we can navigate the terrain together!⁠


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